Getting everyone on the same page for a major ERP project

Delivering successful client and project outcomes for 20 years.

As part of delivering a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for Defence, Lumify People (previously known as DDLS People) was engaged to work with the prime integrator to undertake the technical review and alignment of crucial design documents for the Supply Chain Management Module.

DDLS People Case Study Images - ERP Warehouse


The comprehensive new Defence ERP system has several vital modules, including the Supply Chain Management Module. While the prime integrator produced key design documents for this module, the Lumify People team was engaged to undertake the technical review.

This review needed to capture the current and future states and any differences and to factor in the change management components required at national and regional unit levels across the entire client organisation.

Post review, key design documents needed to be realigned to improve their efficacy.


The project required the dedicated Lumify People expert to undertake critical design document reviews, assess the transition plan, and provide advice around transition operational requirements.

Document Review

  • Mapping current state processes and data points using extant client supply chain system

  • Reviewing any associated policy and procedures

  • Reviewing each key design document and map out the future state

  • Assessing the difference between current and future states

  • Realigning each key design document based on technical review

Transition Plan

  • Assessing each key design document against the ERP module transition plan

  • Consulting with various client business units to understand change readiness based on proficiencies of team members and current processes used

  • Advising the prime integrator of the region and business unit about the project's maturity to help prioritise the roll-out across both regions and business units

Operational Requirements

  • Providing advice on essential daily operational requirements to minimise day-to-day impact during the transition

  • Consulting with client business units to understand and capture essential operational requirements

  • Building the operational requirements of the transition plan


During the project execution, the Lumify People expert obtained feedback from various sources, including Defence, the prime integrator and the different client regions and business units.

It was agreed that the technical review process had produced a much more robust suite of key design documents. The transition to the new Supply Chain Management Module as part of the more comprehensive ERP system upgrade was made more accessible with the assessment and consideration of the maturity and readiness across regions and business units.

Overall, the transition was much smoother, with fewer disruptions to day-to-day work requirements, by accounting for essential operational activities as part of the transition plan.